Sunday, September 22, 2013

Of Mirrors and Gossips

In the name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah and Allah only.

"A wise person is one who blames himself for his shortcoming and works hard for what comes after death, while a careless and heedless person or unable person is the one who follows his desires & whims and keeps hoping for the mercy of Allah" 

I couldn't remember the source of the above saying but I wrote it down (hurriedly!) from an iftar gathering by Brother Wael Ibrahim on Remaining Steadfast. *If you happen to have info on its source, please let me know, thank you!* 

Sometimes it is so easy to fall back into our old pattern of living. You know, for example the Hey I Got A New Juicy Gossip, Want Me To Fill You In? Or vice versa My Bowl Is Empty, Care To Fill It Up With A Slurpy Yummy Gossip? It became a habitual thing that you didn't realize you're doing it when you've actually said to yourself, enough is enough already. *How many yous already?*

Do I really want to eat the flesh of my sisters and brothers in Islam? 

Now that is on gossiping. What about other sins then...

Curiosity Kills The Cat.

For this matter I guess the best way to say is Curiosity Kills The Soul. Ever been in a situation when you overheard somebody saying something about someone? And somehow it sounded so good (though it wasn't a nice thing) that you wanted to know more? The more you dig, the bigger the hole in your heart. You only realize you've done something bad when all is satisfied, and by this I meant the desire. The desire of indulging oneself in gossiping and backbiting. 

It felt like you're sucked into a hole of mirage and you just can't get out of it. It's like you purposely let yourself see something haram again & again and say Astaghfirullah at the same time, hoping that that thing you're looking at would disappear when for all we know the right thing to do was to STOP looking at it. Now doesn't that sounds, hmm...nonsense?

In a way I am a struggling bee trying to get all the honey I can get from all those blooming flowers *read sweetness of iman*. Gossiping is tempting. But only because you're not being grateful with what Allah has bestowed you with and it seems like others have all the things you wanted. Being ungrateful leads to jealousy which then leads to other heart diseases. Nauzubillahminzalik.

So I asked my friends *you know who you are, hugs* to just leave me if I'm about to start an idle talk, or to just stop me. Please. I wouldn't mind. 

I would also keep reminding myself of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) teaching; To leave that which does not concern you.  

I do believe that we can accidentally oversee our mistakes thus not realizing that we're in trouble. Most of the times I think it would be a big problem if one does not realize that one is having a problem :( 

In the end I guess it boils down to the importance of doing self reflection and having good companions / friends who could be mirrors and point out the things which we are not aware of. OR too stubborn to admit of having / doing.

What do you think?

May Allah shower us with His Mercy, and may we consistently ask for His Forgiveness and Guidance. Ameen.

“Judge yourselves before you are judged, evaluate yourselves before you are evaluated and be ready for the greatest investigation (the Day of Judgement)” - Umar al-Khattab.  

ps: A rant in the middle of the night as a reminder to myself first and foremost. 

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