Wednesday, October 4, 2023

All Hope is not Lost


I like bringing a book everywhere I go. Whether I had the time to read it or not, that's a different story.

There were a couple of instances where random strangers struck up conversations with me. A fellow bookish I presume.

Once, I was reading Aristotle's Politics. 
A 20-ish young woman asked, "Is the book fun?". 
Her eyes were lively. 
I laughed. "I don't know, I just started reading it", I answered.

Just recently, while I was putting sugar into my cup of coffee, the barista read aloud what was on the book cover. 
"Muhammad. Prophet of Peace Amid The Clash of Empires". 
I glanced at him, and with a smile, I told him, "It's a good book". 
"How much is the book?" he asked. 
"Erm I don't remember". 
Then he continued, "I baca banyak buku pasal Nabi. I suka kaji. Oh I muslim". 
He probably needed to explain himself since he was wearing a face mask.
I laughed and told him, "Of course. Kita kena selalu baca pasal Nabi (Muhammad s.a.w.)"

These kinds of small talk are refreshing. Whilst the vast majority of people are worried about the booming TikTok and YouTube generations, these youngsters who read are still here. They're just silently living, buried in a sea of lives, like a treasure awaiting to be discovered.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Reflection

The blue sky is as clear as a mirror

There I see a reflection of a person

Staring back at me

Though not as blankly as I am, while laying on this bed of grass

With eyes deep in question, the reflection sees me

The whole of me

And I realized, every questions that I have

I can seek the answer within myself

In my heart, in my mind 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Being Grateful

Being grateful might have different meaning to different individuals. Most of the times, we get immersed in our day to day challenges and predicaments that we forget to pause and realize that we have more to be grateful for. 

The ability to appreciate little things in life help us to move forward and celebrate life. Life itself is never perfect and will never be. It is the fitrah of this dunya. Perfection is only achieved in Jannatul Firdaus, the place where we belong and we shall return to, insha Allah. 

Take a few minutes in a day to write in your journal. It doesn't have to be a pretty journal nor should it be decorated excessively, unless pretty things make you happy :) List down the things you are grateful for for the day and see how your life changes. 


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Do You Remember?

Remember. The time your mother said she's full even when she's not, just to let you have that last piece of chicken...

Remember. The time your father sacrificed his sleep, just to get you to the clinic...

Realise. Each time in prayer they think of you and make du'a upon du'a for you...

Realise. The lessons they teach, the advises they give, for your own wellbeing...

Think. Can they ever be replaced? Can you ever repay them?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dan daku pun berkata

Rentak tari si daun sireh
Lemah gemalai mengikut bayu
Kisah nan pilu terputus kasih
Cederanya hati siapa yang tahu

Tegak berdiri si pohon tanjung
Harum mewangi menyusup kalbu
Tak tahan sudah hati menampung
Rindu dan cinta pada yang Satu

Cantik tak terperi si akik sungai
Kemilau sinar merias jari
Dosa menggunung merintih hati
Taubat bersungguh kembali mensuci

Mekarnya seroja di tasik pesona
Ditemani penyair melantun cinta
Daku hambaMu yang hina dan dina
Tunjukkan daku jalan yang Kau redha

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Mawar merah ditaman

Bunga mawar mekar ditaman bonda,

Haruman nan indah menyisip segenap ruang,

Hati wanita jangan disentuh jika bukan niatmu untuk menyunting dirinya,

Biarkan saja dia menunggu yang pasti, yang buatkan hatinya riang.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

It is a Union of Two Souls

Marriage. The question kept coming when you're now in your late 20s. Some questions were not harmful, some were hurtful. Rare it is to find those who sincerely care. Once I received an unwanted commentary, 'when i was your age, i was already married'. I was about to say 'so?' but I brushed it away and laughed instead. I have come to the point where I am happy and enjoy being a single woman. I get to do a lot of things that I enjoy doing, not saying that marriage is going to take that away because I know when the time comes inshaAllah I will enjoy being married. But please understand that this is the state that I am currently in. Single, happy with my family and friends. Biting my nails about the future won't help me. Marriage to me is a sacred union of two souls who constantly want to grow, together. Let me put my hopes onto Allah, for He knows what is best for me. The best that you can do for me is pray for my happiness and not imposing your perspective on me and other women.